07 January 2010

Dream 30 12 9

Teaching. A boy lifts window, at back of class, and when I go to see, he has jumped the 10 or so feet onto a small level base of stone. We are two floors up. I angrily shout to him to come back, and turn my back to suck oxygen from the flame. During the course of the lesson he does this, jumps across and back, several times. At the end of the lesson, I see he is gone and walk to the window. He is on the plinth. Between us, to the left, students holler and look at him from the other classrooms. 'Come back!' I yell. I don't care how. He moves uncertainly on the small square base and falters. I watch him hit his head and fall down the stonework to the ground.

At housing block, to explain what has hapened. Children there. One whispers insults to me such as 'Murderer.' I'm told that the news is bad. I don't stay to find out how bad. I explain myself to a bunch of kids. I've been teaching five years I think to myself. I shouldn't have to explain myself. My explanations don't wash with some of the students. A violent father, possibly away for some reason.

Then in cafe, two women. I have to explain situation to them. I don't reveal my part, know even to talk to them will anger man if he finds out.

Did I punch some of the kids? I don't know. Keep your distance.


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