with blonde nude swimmer
crossing pool, legs parting, offers me
ice cream full of meringue and marshmallow
dif colours, green ice - tho' I'm
involved w. s/o else. Beneath bowl is old
rice dish.
I open window for old man entering
room 4 (B'strow)
MES gig in pub called off. I walk pass (there's
no stage) and appropriate the set list - an A5
paper, neat. Examine set list - doesn't seem too
much was played. It was sporadic. I'm reasonably
sure the plug has been pulled, but want to
copy it out just in case. MES intermittently
appears, walks the room.
with blonde nude swimmer
crossing pool, legs parting, offers me
ice cream full of meringue and marshmallow
dif colours, green ice - tho' I'm
involved w. s/o else. Beneath bowl is old
rice dish.
I open window for old man entering
room 4 (B'strow)
MES gig in pub called off. I walk pass (there's
no stage) and appropriate the set list - an A5
paper, neat. Examine set list - doesn't seem too
much was played. It was sporadic. I'm reasonably
sure the plug has been pulled, but want to
copy it out just in case. MES intermittently
appears, walks the room.
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