27 February 2010


A baby that refuses to be rendered

In the toilet of the circular futuristic white library

The boy on one leg attempting to swim in the trough
5 suited men queue so their urine might
become part of his element
I hold it in

Upstairs, it appears aliens are visiting the dorm
Two guys and I plan to break out that night

Eventually, I'm showering with Mr Phil,
angling to persuade me to come out.
My crotch is covered. I don't answer definitively.

Then, am on cove, alone, and think 'why not?'
On coach, promising richness of experience to girls who seem more intent on blackmail.
Angus is there.


On bus, 2 women talk about his famous
stare, I say 'What was it like?' As they talk
they laugh, middle-aged and slap a hand on my shoulder,

Offer me a toffee, 'it's strong.' I see my friend's
tongue, covered in crisps. One shows me her
finger. It's black-tipped with tuna

Behind me they were discussing me,

Uni, we leave, full of moans - a woman was playing
high up, with glass atop flights, a black
person falls, is helped to feet, falls,

I ran through crowds, naked topless people,

was hid under s/t, like caravan, hunted
by the WIRE.

through uni window, Morgan Freeman talks of
black opportunity.

Everyone gone. I will be the fallen one


Did you feel the earthquake / tremor at 7.30?
It was crazy in the other room.

16 February 2010

Private Lives, Noel Coward, Bath Theatre

jagged with sophistication
she divorced me for cruelty
she's marked for tragedy
such rugged grandeur
how potent cheap music is
he's being grand in the bar
deceptive moonlight
older and wiser

Spoke to J and K afterwards about the IH takeover. Resembled apologisers for the rise of the Hitler Youth

Now, he's a nice guy, but he wasn't *wise* - he couldn't see the way the future's heading

10 February 2010


Four men pull ropes to keep a crow's nest straight. We don't discuss the risk. Sailor at top, climbs down, up, active at top. Man to my right slips rope through his hands and the man and pole fall to ground as one. Final.

01 February 2010

Dream 31/1/10

Take sister's art from ceiling. It's made of white play-do, so to grip it is to ruin it. Lower it to floor. My mum likes it, but it's badly executed: like the page of a book, you can turn a leaf revealing a kind of map of town - roads, chapel etc

In kitchen. Mum is thawing prawns and vermicelli in the sink. 'Why do you like me least?' I ask. 'I haven't slept since 8 last night either,' she says to me. She throws two knives at me. I deflect them with a white towel pulled taut. There is a large black-handled knife on the counter between us.

Dream 29/1/10

3 indian men asleep in room under coats at restaurant. Doubles as doctor's surgery. I have a letter from mum to doctor saying I have cancer. Make appt with doctor in 2 hours' time. Doesn't appear. I urinate in cubicle. Toilet stuffed with rolled carpet. See other ? doctor stretch through portacabin window.

Toys, talk with woman, ask for Skalectrix on a scale as large as these toys.


Jon at door. I give him money (?) heads to airport. He is almost pajamaed, downbeat, practical.

Tell mum, she falls to kitchen floor. 'What do we say when people come to door asking for him?' - wanting money, she doesn't say. 'Don't let them in.' 'Of course I have to let them in.'

Later, I have assumed s/o's identity, s/o who has died. I fumble a pair of bondage trousers - like MJ's on the cover of Bad - and four / five guys enter room. Discussions, organise things for me. A guy fondles tthe trousers, buys them off another. I go to complain, my hand is filled with transparent plastic cards. 220 they say. I put it in my pocket. Need to change into white trousers. Head to toilet, aware they'll talk about me. There is a small turd in corner of floor. I piss long and hard.