12 March 2010

Dream 12 3 10

Mike's - at table. Vee has a helper who offers Mike a 4-egg-shell omelette. He says yes. I'm not offered but don't want one. I hope he doesn't make one.

I watch, it gets crowded. I leave with my dad. Climb partition wall.

Inside, dad says 'life is easier with vibrators!'
hands me two tiny superglue tubes still attached to cardboard. 'How was it?' 'Postponed till tomorrow, I'm going to watch a programme on the sexual paintings then present it tomorrow. Do you want to see?' 'No, I'm not interested.'

Earlier, at school difficulty getting up and downstairs - they disappeared. Someone took my postcards and held onto them.

Don't forget, hymn #32 leads to a fractured hymn #33.


At table with Amy (?) Cam disappears. I decide they'll order as I slip next door to order second course in different restaurant. Amy says 'I like your socks,' and they don't match, I move to other side of table. My Famous Grouse bottle is there. To my left my mum and sister sit at a table.

06 March 2010

Dream 6 3 10

Tom Jones on back in yellow suit.

Plane compartment, Carrie pulls belt across

her tummy, Tim opposite me.

Above him can see clouds roll overhead.

A messenger drives up, holds

a triangle reading ‘Carrie Dagger.’

We stop at the next information.

Dream 3 3 10

Two men onto our floor, one has been stabbed in the face.

Scritch scratch scritch blade drawn across face, seems superficial, he dies on ground.

(Sharia law dead adulterer pic resemblance.)

Taken downstairs, I’m with Ashley Garrett, when body starts to breathe, arms shake.

Dad outside, I’m in urinal, unending stream into funnel which pours into back of urinal.

Walk with several girls after dark along streets, encounter police-woman, flirty, from Lourdes

head down slope to left, steps descend to 2D rabbit stencils.

Giraffe, its neck thin, an unravelled skein of wool up through glass ceiling at our level from a balcony. Two glass blocks stop them, the skull.

- She wondered if I knew of Lourdes. Lourdes cathedral?

Dream 5 3 10

Spoke to James Brown, friendly, challenged him.