06 April 2007


Watching young people around a swimming pool on foot. After a while I walk around the poolside. A woman is there. We talk about when cattle were there last time, walking around it.

I leave for an outside field.

Sit in hall in a pew. Flick through OK magazine or somesuch. Come across picture of MES, a full page. I am in disbelief. I leave, realise I've left my bag behind, and go back. A glimpse inside reveals Czech books. I am with Mark now, talking. 'Tell me, Mark,' I say, preparing to head back, maybe to Salford with him. 'I have a friend who is a lyricist. He doesn't make much of what he does.' 'Oh,' he says, disappointed. We pass a service. A famous priest is talking. We enter and queue. '...those young boys.' We are gestured to sit on the other side of where we are queueing. There is a string running through gold hoops, before the whole pew. We pull it out and slip behind it. I imagine sliding gold rings along it to the priests.


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