Birthday (?) spread w/ Rosemary and Dick. Checking e mails – convoluted acceptance from magazine. Takes a while to realize it’s an acceptance. Later I say ‘Promise not to let me e mail a reply this evening.’
At table w/ Carrie, dressed in appalling diagonal blue/white check shirt. Carrie leaves and I think men are discussing me. I see my reflection, leant across the table.
I sit at another table. A partition of a sheet / duvet separates me and two women from the rest of the café, about three or four tables this side of the partition. They are discussing art and snow. I ask a question and we discuss her work. She shows me her book. Catherine Keenan. Portraits, eg Mona Lisa, carved on ice floor then partially obscured with snow and shot from above.
I leave to find Carrie. People are waiting for her to descend the stairs with some art to display. ‘Carrie,’ I call. She is upstairs poring over books. I tell her about the student and she says ‘Catherine Keenan?’ and hands me a copy of her book, smiling.
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