06 October 2006


Suki about to leave, can't find battery. Now we'll be late to the station. Found, it fits into the suitcase fabric, right way round. Say 'bye to father.

Take students to diner. Walk through stile, two classes. I go via market, narrow, horse-shoe shape - sad cookies and biscuits. Come to the end, a stallholder gestures 'go back'. No throughway.

I come to join classes, secrete my bottle of beer best I can, come to classes look at them lined up in rows against two walls -that's them. I sit, opposite Anna (?) with braces. 'What are you having?' 'A burger I guess' 'But what about a pizza?' The menu is in Spanish: a 'gran burger.'

'Why don't we se a film?'
'Have you seen Stowfish?'
It's not my town. 'Let's see it this afternoon.'


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