Recent Dreams
mum and dad ask for help
through rain splashed windows
Searching for Together Through Life boxed set, with older man. Sold out. I see it on counter, set aside. Could nab it but don’t.
Jon and Missy about.
I hear steps on my fire escape. Leave my room and there, as my eyes adjust, is Pepper.
J and M cuddle to make love at one point.
I loiter out of sight, view a man looking, having left his car.
With Fuad and other ss in an adventure ‘park’ haunted house. Enter a room whose walls contract and floors shake, pushing me into a safe corner. We consider a section of the house which has a surcharge and is prefaced with illustrations of clashing samurai soldiers.
In room with cats and hamsters. Someone opens door of bathroom and they mingle. I make threats. In corner of bathroom I find a horseshoe-crab sized hamster.
At table with two guys – smart, Indian?
As they leave up ahead I let them go so I can’t catch up.
Ian said he wanted a word. I think about a student I charged for 1 to 1 but didn’t teach, German.
I take 2 students outside into hall to discipline them. One says ‘If I stay here, I’m out’ then falls to the ground in a feint. He has a small black mark on the bridge of his nose.
I realise he is the one who has a condition.
I go into Ian’s office. After lifting his body he comes to.
Fall gig. I am inside the venue, a library, …
open. I have a panoply/range of books on Dylan, reserve 3 seats – my sis, dad and self, but am advised not to hog seats. Most people don’t want front row.
I hear a bang and go downstairs. Can’t let people in through glass doors w/o key. Move from left to centre with Dylan books (+ I watch some of I’m Not There) in bag.
Turns out to be a Fall gig. Sit down :( I am with Nadia or Cam. At break go for a beer. A bloke comes up to Claire and takes pics, then MES does same, rough handles her a little. Claire can take it. Walks to bar along a street. ‘Reformation’ begins. I wanted her to hear it, say ‘It’s that track in the car’ but realise I shd be telling Cam this. Come back leave her to bring drinks, think better and meet her, then –
Anthony Wilson or somesuch is interviewing the band.
A strange faced man walks into room and takes guitar from Craig. An audience member says ‘Yes!’ A. Wilson talks about the framed setlists on the wall we might have signed. I worry about my breath after eating cheese and houmous. Know I can’t get autograph.
Our seats are gone. 2 guys are wrestling in aisle, one falls heavily against chair to floor. They elbow me and Mark says, ‘Well done Marcus and Bruno. I’d want to sit with them. Great lads.’ We move conspicuously to front. MES unfolds an A3 pic of him as skull with rotting teeth from NME. ‘I’m very fond of this.’ ‘It’s dismal’ says a voice.
End of gig, set off but realise I left backpack. Come back and can’t find it. Am unhappy. In look at framed posters. Two incredibly tacky Kurious Oranj framed ‘pieces’. With plastic oranges with limbs. I find my bag. Leave.
mum and dad ask for help
through rain splashed windows
Searching for Together Through Life boxed set, with older man. Sold out. I see it on counter, set aside. Could nab it but don’t.
Jon and Missy about.
I hear steps on my fire escape. Leave my room and there, as my eyes adjust, is Pepper.
J and M cuddle to make love at one point.
I loiter out of sight, view a man looking, having left his car.
With Fuad and other ss in an adventure ‘park’ haunted house. Enter a room whose walls contract and floors shake, pushing me into a safe corner. We consider a section of the house which has a surcharge and is prefaced with illustrations of clashing samurai soldiers.
In room with cats and hamsters. Someone opens door of bathroom and they mingle. I make threats. In corner of bathroom I find a horseshoe-crab sized hamster.
At table with two guys – smart, Indian?
As they leave up ahead I let them go so I can’t catch up.
Ian said he wanted a word. I think about a student I charged for 1 to 1 but didn’t teach, German.
I take 2 students outside into hall to discipline them. One says ‘If I stay here, I’m out’ then falls to the ground in a feint. He has a small black mark on the bridge of his nose.
I realise he is the one who has a condition.
I go into Ian’s office. After lifting his body he comes to.
Fall gig. I am inside the venue, a library, …
open. I have a panoply/range of books on Dylan, reserve 3 seats – my sis, dad and self, but am advised not to hog seats. Most people don’t want front row.
I hear a bang and go downstairs. Can’t let people in through glass doors w/o key. Move from left to centre with Dylan books (+ I watch some of I’m Not There) in bag.
Turns out to be a Fall gig. Sit down :( I am with Nadia or Cam. At break go for a beer. A bloke comes up to Claire and takes pics, then MES does same, rough handles her a little. Claire can take it. Walks to bar along a street. ‘Reformation’ begins. I wanted her to hear it, say ‘It’s that track in the car’ but realise I shd be telling Cam this. Come back leave her to bring drinks, think better and meet her, then –
Anthony Wilson or somesuch is interviewing the band.
A strange faced man walks into room and takes guitar from Craig. An audience member says ‘Yes!’ A. Wilson talks about the framed setlists on the wall we might have signed. I worry about my breath after eating cheese and houmous. Know I can’t get autograph.
Our seats are gone. 2 guys are wrestling in aisle, one falls heavily against chair to floor. They elbow me and Mark says, ‘Well done Marcus and Bruno. I’d want to sit with them. Great lads.’ We move conspicuously to front. MES unfolds an A3 pic of him as skull with rotting teeth from NME. ‘I’m very fond of this.’ ‘It’s dismal’ says a voice.
End of gig, set off but realise I left backpack. Come back and can’t find it. Am unhappy. In look at framed posters. Two incredibly tacky Kurious Oranj framed ‘pieces’. With plastic oranges with limbs. I find my bag. Leave.