26 April 2008

A sky so white seagulls wheeled in it

Happy Go Lucky, dir. Mike Leigh

mouths his own predicament
too scared to act on his right brain's impulse
driving lessons put us on edge

we've seen Leigh's portrait of a cerebral nutter before
and Timothy Spall as a cab driver

luminescent scenes in the classroom

begins badly with a girls night out
a la Career Girls

you make your own luck

we left the tap running
but we've found a boat

the damaged - some people never get near to it

homeless or emotionally damaged

she isn't scared of approaching people.

The Orphanage

The horror of never aging

Why would a boy wear such a terrifying sack mask?

Never watch horror films in THX!

Printing terminology

2 pull press



type foundry

strike a matrix from that
impress it into a piece of metal



Mother expectant, father bashful, proud.


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