12 October 2007


She dons an eyemask
above a closely cropped salt-and-pepper moustache and goatee.

'Can you see my shadow?'
she asks, after dusting.

My father and Alan Gardner, both with 'Sparks' moustaches, in a big car.
I turn to the seat behind me, gauge my brother's face.
Does he know what this means?

On the back of a white car, a boy.
In the house, a wail. I pass a doorframe and see,
not swinging, a body above a blood stain.

The problem I have is the speakers outside my door.
A gypsyish, hippy store. Small rounded speakers.
I meet the girl / owner and it's not so loud.
Then we go down a floor.

I want to go out but as we zip up our windcheaters
Joe appears too, zipping up. I lag behind and stay put.


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